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Erase it (never to come back and haunt me )

Trying to cover up the pain
as I'm watching time go by
I wish I could take off and fly
far away from everything
everything that makes me sad
everything that makes me feel
like the biggest loser in the world

Mood swinging like a
swing at the playground
the wind takes hold of my heart
throwing it out in the universe
there it's floating around
looking down on earth
while I am sleeping

Starting all over again
the biggest challenge of them all
When it feels like nobody knows
what you're going through
like you're all alone in the world
When the tears come silently
without warning it seems
the sadness takes hold of me
bringing back the painful
memories from the past
I try my best to trust my heart
And keep my head above water

:Sometimes I wish I could erase it
make it go away in a second
snap my fingers and all it would all be gone
never to come back and haunt me
the pain from the past
the pain within my heart

Sure there are many good days
and I embrace the sun when it's there
and all the good things and good people
that makes my life worth living
Don't get me wrong - this song is not about
feeling sorry for myself - it is simply a cry for help
nothing more - nothing less - but a cry for help

The sun i setting and I am watching it
as it disappears into the water
among the long lost treasures
among the memories and the fishes
swimming in the sea
It's time to move on - stay strong
stay cool - knowing that I can make it
if I only keep on hanging in there
if I only learn how to believe in myself

:Sometimes I wish I could erase it
make it go away in a second
snap my fingers and all it would all be gone
never to come back and haunt me
the pain from the past
the pain within my heart

Yesterday I was waiting for tomorrow
and now it's that tomorrow I was waiting for
Up listening to music - music saved my life
when I heard them sing - their voices reached into my heart
and kept me grounded - their music made me feel alive
like I was special - lifting me up and let me be among the stars
for a little while - it kept me going through the worst times
it kept me from going mad - it made me feel so free

So yeah - music saved my life for sure
and it still keeps me sane - sometimes brings out that feeling
of not being alone - like I'm up there on that stage - singing my heart out
for thousands - yet singing for myself
because it's what I love the most
Music saved my life for sure

Mood swinging like a
swing at the playground
the wind takes hold of my heart
throwing it out in the universe
there it's floating around
looking down on earth
while I am sleeping


- music saved my life for sure

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2013-07-09 03:06

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