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Poem - lyrics

Audio cassette

of dewy
the heat away

down my
overloaded brain

Shattered dreams
rewind on an old
audio cassette

becoming whole
once again
like it once was

Then the new and fresh
comes out of the mist
all mixed up with the old
creating and expanding

Invisible dancers
move their feet
lightly across
the ballroom floor

When the all the shades
of the colors are lit up
under the sun
under the moon
when all the joy
is collected in a
tiny flower

Being the clown
in the circus
the mask gets
heavy over the years
constantly facing the world
with a hidden face

But those who
cares for such a
thing as tiny flowers
filled with magic
and scents from
another world
will see the gems
the corner stones

days of life

With passion
into the new
into the unknown
moving gracefully
and courageously
across the ballroom floor

And then we throw away
the masks and enter through

- the open door

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 321 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2013-12-14 05:52

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This is amazing!

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Det vilar ofta något drömskt och skirt och flortunt över din poesi. Något skört och sommarljust.
Det liksom svävar ett skimmer.
Härligt också med dessa fina bilder på en fin tjej.
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