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A song.

Crisp white shirt

You wear your heart
on your sleeve
and the song
on repeat
the wind's blowing
but you'r mind's
silent as the night
truth is - you've
been waiting for this
for such a long time
and now that it's here
you go wondering
if this is right

so many years
in the rain
waiting at the station
for the next train
never had the courage
to jump on - only standing
watching - wondering
thinking for to long
always waiting at the station
for the next train

perhaps you should
take a chance this time
it might be worthwhile
it might be the right thing
to do - only you know
- only you know

been running on autopilot
for a while - doing what's
been necessary - everything
else seemed to scary - behind
the blurry valley the sun can
be glimpsed - it can keep you
warm - if you allow it - make
your heart smile - if you dare

wandering around in new jeans
on old paths - the crisp white
shirt - makes you look sharp
and handsome - the sunglasses
hiding stories only a few knows
the wishes and the dreams
the hopes and the highs
the lows and the go abouts
always ending up on the same spot
yet the landscape has changed a lot
since last years nights

perhaps you should
take a chance this time
it might be worthwhile
it might be the right thing
to do - only you know
- only you know

It is time to change the route
try something new and go for
the feeling inside - the hearts
saying - the longing and the
voice that's been calling you
forth - this is the time where
you can take a leap into your
dreams - unfold the untold
be who you are and cast away
the mask - you're more than
good enough the way you are
you just gotta see that for yourself
open your eyes to that inner beauty
and let it shine through

It's all up to you - where you
choose to go this time
the road might be crooked
and the hills high - the sun's ain't
always shining - but your heart could
if you give it a chance - if you dare
if you go - go for what you've been
longing for - take a chance and have
a glace at what the future holds
it could be such a beautiful thing
if you'd just let go - and trust - it's all
up to you - if you'd let your heart shine
through - shine through those eyes

perhaps you should
take a chance this time
it might be worthwhile
it might be the right thing
to do - only you know
- only you know

- only you know

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 224 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-03 10:58

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