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A song.

Our ship

Take me to France
take me to Paris
and Lyon

take me away
with you for
never to return
unless it is in
the same dream
as we once met

take me high
and let us fly
far away where
no man has been
before - take me
away - come on board
with me

this is our ship
you can be the captain
and I'll be a pirate
and we'll explore
the deepest waters
take me with you
and let's escape
into the deepest

take me to France
to Paris and Lyon
to Italy and Rome
take me with you
sweep me off my feet
You can be the captain
and I'll be a pirate
the seas are dark
and deep and we'll
provide the light
with all our love
we will light up
all seasons nights

Take me to France
take me to Paris
and Lyon

take me away
with you for
never to return
unless it is in
the same dream
as we once met

- come on board
with me

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 170 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-03 14:36

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