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Closer than ever before

She took a leap of faith
and then she jumped
higher than she'd ever
jumped before

the door opened
up and she saw the stars
closer than ever before

almost touchable
they glimmered
and her eyes reflected
the beauty of her true
self - a leap of faith
was all it took

she is flying high
above the trees
looking down at
everybody - a leap
of faith was all it took

her dreams were
made of her heart's
desire - and now she
flew holding hands
with the sun - feeling
alive for the first time
in a long while

the grass might
not be greener
on the other side
but when she started
nourishing the grass
in her own garden
it came to life once
again - a leap of faith
was all it took

so when your dreams
remind you of - the things
you've been longing for
all you have to do is jump
- a leap of faith
jump higher than ever before
and the door will open and you
will see - that all it takes

- is a leap of faith

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 199 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-08 13:58

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Take a leap of faith towards Jesus and your life will be totally transformed.

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