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En dikt jag skrev för några år sedan som jag även har tonsatt. Den är på engelska och handlingen är fiktiv om att förlora en älskande i sjukdomen cancer med all förtvivlan, sorg, tårar, men även mellan alla tårar hopp, tro. Det är ej självupplevt. Min far

My baby is in pain

My baby is in pain

You looked so wonderful today in the sunlight
Yes you’re making a really spectacular sight
You were looking at me with your beautiful eyes
You were a dream to all of the guys

Your name was Sarah and I loved you so
I should have left but could not go
You were my reason for living
And life’s all about taking and giving

Everything changes so fast
And we’ll all be gone at last
It’s a struggle for life
Even when the body cuts like a knife

You were fighting for several years
And we cried a lot of tears
The disease caused you a lot of pain
And everything was in vain

By the time the cancer grew worse
And everything felt like a curse
I sat by the side of your bed
Looking at your face turning red

I held your hand and wiped the sweat from your cheek
And your breath was very weak

The medicine now and then made you stronger
But one night your body couldn’t take it any longer
You have always held on like grim death
But one night you took your last breath

You finally gave up your struggle one night
You could no longer take this fight
You light up the sky like a star
We’ll meet again, wherever you are

Bunden vers (Rim) av Per Falkman
Läst 196 gånger
Publicerad 2014-05-19 15:15

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Per Falkman
Per Falkman