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Spoken word/song.

Rainbow petals in a polluted world

It's all in the harmonies
the arrangements
- it's all in the soul

It can be as
small as a
fraction of
a rose petal

- yet bring out
the colors of
a rainbow

It can be a tiny
note on a note
sheet - making
you feel as a part
of the symphony
extended beyond
any man-made
borders - higher
than the sky - sweeter
than a peach - like resting
on a beach - white sand
and solitude - bright light
and high energy
- all at the same time

:It's all in the harmonies
the arrangements
- it's all in the soul

The journey through
a silky dream of perfect
conditions in an imperfect
world - lets you let go of any
pain - traveling by train
moving fast - yet stress-free
allowing you to be fully in
the moment - enjoying the
soul in the music - the heart
the core - the love - the light
and all there is - in a good piece
of music - whatever you might
fancy - feeling like dancing -
moving - swinging - singing

:It's all in the harmonies
the arrangements
- it's all in the soul

It can be a tiny
note on a note
sheet - making
you feel as a part
of the symphony
- a fraction of
a rose petal
yet bring out
the colors of
a rainbow

:It's all in the harmonies
the arrangements
- it's all in the soul

extended beyond
any man-made

(it's all - it's all in the soul)

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 181 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-21 03:06

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