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I could make a home in your world
To keep me safe from things that hurts
I have tried to forget or forgive
But darkness dwells wherever I live

Your doors are made of love and lust
Inside your walls I build up my trust
I won’t fall through the floor, it keeps me grounded
I’ll sit on your roof, so grateful that I found it

In your attic I store my past
All the memories that shouldn’t last
I lock them up and throw away the key
They just keep me away from feeling free

In your cellar I hide my shame
All that happened for which I took the blame
I see clearly now through the windows in your eyes
And I chose to walk away from deception and lies

Fri vers av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 177 gånger
Publicerad 2015-11-21 23:58

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten