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Hope in hopelessness


I lived by myself for some time and just tried to go on
Told myself that I liked my way of living
But suddenly I found myself completely alone
There must be more to this life than I’ve been given

I walked in markets and parks and tried to blend in
But I seemed to be invisible and got to far from home
So I went back home again and I let the loneliness win
I hid my disappointment and told myself I’m better alone

But one day came the day I’ve been avoiding for so long
When I finally got something to care for and to love
I clawed myself into it until it bled out and it was gone
I buried it in my self loathing and laid down to die above

I’ve come to see that nothing lasts forever with me
I love to much that it makes it hard to breathe
Then I suffocate it to make it impossible to leave
I live with ghosts that will never die and be free

Fri vers av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 141 gånger
Publicerad 2015-11-22 00:00

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten