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Lust and obsession


Where did I find you my dear
I cant remember, were you always here
I strip you bare naked and get under your skin
I wanna see what you see
I wanna feel everything

I don’t care how but I’m gonna get you
Cause no one can play with my head like you do
You scratch your nails on the walls inside my heart
But the only way out is to tear me apart

I think you could love me just give me some time
To clear my head and make up my mind
Are you a keeper or will I have to let you go
No matter how fast you run you are always to slow

Every part of your body will one day be mine
Don’t tell me to wake up from this fucking lie
My dreams are your nightmares and your sorrow my joy
You are my possession, a perfect doll, my favorite toy

So now that I have found you my dear
You should know that I’m always here
I am inside and under and everywhere everyday
I think I’ll keep you forever, what do you say

Fri vers av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 164 gånger
Publicerad 2015-11-22 00:01

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten