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The worst of break-ups


I don’t think you would ever fight
The same way I will always fight for you
Now we stand in a crossroad of our lives
And I who always thought we would make it through

You let me stand in the rain
Without shelter from words that never came
And I prepared myself for a storm that would take you away
The worst feeling of all, when there’s nothing more to say

You look at me with regret in your eyes
I look down on the ground and you look away
Suddenly the air between us is thick as ice
And I find myself choking when I try to beg you to stay

You let me stand in the rain
Without shelter from words that never came
And I prepared me for a storm that would take you away
The worst feeling of all, when there’s nothing more to say

Let us go inside
One last night
We can speak or say nothing at all
We can just sit quiet and await our downfall

Fri vers av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 150 gånger
Publicerad 2015-11-23 20:15

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten