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Snabbt nedskrivet , rusningstid från pendeltåg till tunnelbana tidigt på morgonen. Erfarenhet

T-Centralen 5 or 10

You become like your surroundings,
If they are stressed you become stressed. If they are peaceful and calm you become the same.
It happens automaticly. Yeah

The beauty is to walk at the subway, from one train to another in slow motion, while all others are running stressing eachother up, getting influenced of the rush itself.
You stand firm.
Knowing there is another train every 5 minutes

You wake up early and you are on time.
If you are not on time, it will not
Change anything being late another 5
or 10.
If you are late you are already
And thats it

Though usually, those few minutes of slower walking , will not change
The arrival time and going on the train.

Just my experience

Fri vers av C_Cyrus
Läst 156 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-04-03 23:33

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