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Tell Me What Im looking For!

Mirror Mirror

standing there in darkness
look into the mirror and constantly asks the same

mirror mirror on the wall tell me who´s it gonna be
who´s got those hips that moves
who got those lips that mend scares
whos that woman with hips and lips
that eminate passion warmth trust

a womans hips and lips like
warmth of the sun light bright

so mirror mirror on the wall tell me who´s it gonna be
whos the savior mender of open wounds
who´s epress love and caring without saying a singel word
but shows it with eyes movement using her hips and lips

i wonder when and where a king in darkness awaits his queen
and ask his mirror his reflecktion if it know the truth the answer
that haunts the king

Fri vers av MathiasV84
Läst 197 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-03-10 10:40

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