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Who am I

When the world wither and turn to ash
And your heart freeze to solid ice
Know from whence you came
You were born a fragile thing
So small and weak
You cried out
A resounding roar
I held you in my arms
Oh, the love
Oh, the pain
I am your creator
I am your destroyer
But who am I to say
What you should or should not do
Innocence? I lost that long ago
Wisdom? I learned that long ago
Nothing earned comes without
A sea of salt and tears
The steps you take
The mistakes you make
Are part of the journey
That awaits you ahh
I am your creator
I am your destroyer
But who am I to say
What is right and what is wrong
You'll figure it out as you go
No one knows what lies ahead
Nothing really is as it seems
You gotta see past the lies
You gotta read between the lines
Family and friends find 'em
Keep 'em closer than your enemies
Hold on to what you got
You are mine forever
Sorry I could never
Tell you the truth
'Cause who am I to say
What is real and what is fake
The question, didn't you know
It has countless answers
Nothing really is as it seems
You have to be brave
You have to prepare
For chaos and confusion
(chaos and confusion)
For change and illusion
(change and illusion)
I am your creator
I am your destroyer
You are mine forever
I am a part of you so never
Forget who you are

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Eros Elton VIP
Läst 112 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2022-08-11 06:00

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Eros Elton VIP