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I look out the window
Rain is pouring down
The sky is gray and dark
But you kiss her even so
Are we destined to be
Alone with our jealousy?

Sun's not coming out
The clouds are hiding you
Heaven's tears they bring
Earth to life once more
Are we destined to be
Alone with our anxiety?

The leaves blow in the wind
They fall down one by one
Soon, nothing can be grown
All the birds have flown
Are we destined to be
Alone with our misery?

No, just you, my friend
You hide away, unsure
A frightened lonely thing
Stop saying you cannot
Go out, else you'll be
Alone for all eternity

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Eros Elton VIP
Läst 111 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-07-05 03:30

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Eros Elton VIP