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Cold and heartless crying in my bed

I'm all alone in my place, I need help
Need a friend to speak to, someone to chat with
I've got problems in my mind, can't do this by myself
Looking in the mirror, watching into my soulless eye
All alone in my room, everything is dark
I'm thinking about suicide, need help, need a friend

Just got back home, I'm all alone
I can't do this by myself, I need a friend
Alcohol is my best friend, I need help
I need someone to talk with, I see darkness all around
My world is burning, the Devil is after me
Today ain't my friend, I've got a problem to solve

Shit is crazy, I am all alone in my bed
Watching the ceiling, crying by myself
They're saying I am heartless, I cry and I cry
I feel so alone, the world is so huge, I feel empty
The streets are cold, I just need a friend

Someone to chat with, taking my mind away
Away from the darkness closing in on me
I feel so alone, cold, crying in my bed
When I die, nobody will remember me
I am a mess, I am cold, pain in my mind
It's turning me into a psycho
I need a friend, and that's fast
Before the Devil takes me to his crib

Fri vers (Fri form) av Spiken VIP
Läst 49 gånger
Publicerad 2023-11-04 11:02

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Spiken VIP