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its odd
i wonder if google
has some new
spyware on its sites...
they came with new
censorship rules
and since a few days back
youtube has been real slow
like when i had an old old laptop
and i have a real fast comp now
i tried commenting and
it took like 5 seconds
for the words to
appear on screen
yeah i know i can
type in notepad.exe
but i find it weird
is it hackers harassing me
because i use youtube too much
or is it for everyone?
who knows

my despair
is it for everyone?
who knows

my joy
is it for everyone?
who knows

my creative expressions
are they for everyone?
who knows

my hugs
are they for everyone?
who knows

my breath
is it for everyone?
who knows

my lips
is it for everyone?
who knows

my erection
is it for everyone?
who knows

my soft touch
is it for everyone?
who knows

my sense of humour
is it for everyone?
who knows

my bella
is she for everyone?
who knows

am i for everyone?
who knows
who knows
who knows...

Fri vers av Live2Dream VIP
Läst 66 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-01-28 16:21

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Bra frågeställningar mot slutet. Ett antal ”ögonöppnare” skulle jag vilja kalla dem.

Allt mycket välkomponerat och humoristiskt. Fortsätt så!
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Live2Dream VIP