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I walkt too her with nothing under my feats
Felt the grass under my feats.
I looked at her and so her hair
The hair was blowing in the wind
She looket like an angel.

I took her hands in mine
Looket in your eyes, but
I didn´t see what I wanted too se
I soo tears,
Tears folling down her cheek

I said \' Why are you crying?\'
She answered \' I cry becouse of love.\'
I looket in her eyes again,
But I couldn´t se her eyes,
It was only mist.
Like when a man is dead.

She looket upp on me and said,
\' I don´t want to love you\'
I askt \' Why?\'
She answered\' I´m going too marry another\'
Then she runned away whit tear running from her eyes.

My heart is only dark after that night.
I was looket at here marrige but wasn´t invaded.
I stood behind a tree and my eyes was wet.
Both sorrow and happiness.
Happiness becouse of her locky.

Fri vers av Diapsalma
Läst 404 gånger
Publicerad 2004-12-02 21:56

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