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Questions, Answer

I know three things that hurts my soul:
First: I know that I love you
Second: I know you don´t love me.
Third: I know that you love him, him

I fall in love with you when I understand who you were.
But now? Now when you love him you have change, why?
Now you are just like the girls I don´t love. Why should I love you?
Becouse my heart don´t can take another broken piece

I want too know many things:
Why do I love you?
Why don´t you love me?
Am I so uggly?
Why does no one talk to me?
Why him?
Why me?
Why you?

Fri vers av Diapsalma
Läst 404 gånger
Publicerad 2004-12-11 18:35

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