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Only a dream

You came to me,
You came to me with flowers and kisses,
You came to me with a bottle with liquor.
You opend the bottle and drank it,
every single drop, nothing to me.

You don´t knowing what you doing,
You walking against me
With the bottle in your hand,
You smas the bottle against my arm.

I wake up and wash dry wet.
It whas only a dream I thought.

Of course it was a dream,
Of course I´m in safe.

Next night I was with my friends,
But you were there too,
I couldn´t talk to you
I walkt out, out becouse I needed air, I said.

You came to me and you satt into my knees.
You kisst me, but you don´t have any bottle,
I askt why? And she answered that when I walkt out,
My friend told to her about the dream, after that she said,
She don´t will drink when I´m there.
I askt why? She answered that she loved me so much,
She could stop breathing if I answered her love

Fri vers av Diapsalma
Läst 443 gånger
Publicerad 2004-12-11 22:58

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