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This is a Story About a boy

This is a Story about a boy who is sitting down nearby a railroad track
There is something about him something wrong something strange
somthing we dont understand...but we should.

everyday and night he just sits nearby just that railroad track and plays
with his guitar he plays the most beautiful song.

and he thinks of his mother who left him alone in the cold dark rain..
and about the war the war inside his head.

he can’t breath..he can’t sing...he just plays, plays on his brown guitar
he only wants to survie the night
he only want’s back to 1969 where his life ended
the night when his mother left him whitout a word...
now he is just like a ghost who is just sitting on his oneway railroad track
a ghost who can not breath...not sing, just plays, plays on his brown guitar
his own brown guitar the only thing he has left from the time he still was alive.

no one knows that he is dead,no one knows that he was alive
the only one who has seen him was the light from the train...the light of god
no one knows what had happened to this boy no one cared no one
even now of his existence no one cared to ask

no body wants to know nobody wants to know about how he was killed because
nobody cares about a boy who plays on his brown guitar
but god can see him, god nows he’s alive, god loves his music
but the boy doesn’t want god. he dooesn’t need god.. he dont need no sympathy
he needs someone who will listen, listen to the sound of his guitarr

Fri vers av deadvictim
Läst 172 gånger
Publicerad 2006-11-23 20:33

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