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Soul of Abraham Lincoln

Like the stillness in the sea
a cold wind was blowing up
nearby the shoreline where I stood,
listening til the sound of the waves

I felt like I was on a ship that was sinkin\'
,heard voices from they who lived back then
when everything was quiet, no sound of bullets
the voice said,It\'s over now,come and play with us
we do no harm.

a cold wild wind was breathin\' in my back,Saw
the soul of Abraham Lincoln, he was shoutin\'
I saw a drunk man stand beside me he was so drunk
that he could speak he said It\'s all over now, Come and play
with us,We do no harm

I begun to run down the road where I\'m going I\'m
not telling\'cause i don\'t know whats ahead
the sun is clear blue, the sky is yellow
I was walking down the black road saw a blue sign
and it said It\'s all over now,Come and play with us,
We do no harm

Took a wrong turn on the road ahead and come behind
Satan and Bush they where talkin,I didn\'t reflect on
that,I went on walking down that wet black road
the sounds of they who was gone had fade in the dark
only sound i could hear was my own breath

Saw the ghost of the Man in black
he just stood there, with his guitarr
in his hands and he started to play a song
\'bout a poor and brave pima indian
who served his country,and got nothing back
and then he looked over at me and said
It\'s all over now,Come and play with us,
We do no harm

Av:Jan-Erik Tyni

Fri vers av deadvictim
Läst 199 gånger
Publicerad 2007-09-25 16:52

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