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Goodbye My

I thought that we were friends
Never could I understand why
You never called to me again
It ain't that hard to do, just
Pick up the phone and call me

This isn't that complicated, you know
I never did make you choose me
Or him, we were just friend or
That was what I wanted to believe,
But oh, how wrong I were, I wasn't
Even close, I've never been so wrong

Not in million years could I think
That about you, were did I go wrong
I've never failed you, not even in
My darkness mind, would I deceive you

I've never defined our friendship as
Shallow, I stood up for it, I thought
That I meant more to you, but I were
So wrong, I didn't hesitate to call you
My friend, but I should, I know it now

It can be hard to understand, but
I know it's not me who failed....

I thought that we were friends, but
I guess not, I know it now, are you
Happy now? Congratulations Your
Wishes came true...

By Erik Tyni

Fri vers av deadvictim
Läst 185 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-10-13 09:28

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