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The time when I most need love

this is the time when we are most alone
the dark sacred sky and the cloudy days
This is the time of year we most need love

its a easy thing to say I love you to one who matters
you never know when you might lose her or when she might lose you
yeah it\'s easy to say to you that I love you
that you are the girl in my life, the right girl in my life

This is the time when we are most alone
the dark sky and the cloudy days
this is the time of year when we most need love
this is the time I need you, I need you to love me

You came from no where straight into my heart
found a place there, you found the place in my heart
the only place which was\'ent broken and now you have
fix the other part in my broken heart.

This is the time when we are most alone
the dark sky and the cloudy days
this is the time of year when we most need love
this is the time I need you, I need you to love me

I\'m hoping that I\'m gonna found a place in your heart
that\'s need fixing cause I know that I can fix you heart
And I know that you never will lose me or I lose you
you are my sunshine, my better half

You came from no where straight into my heart
found a place there, you found the place in my heart
the only place which was\'ent broken and now you have
fix the other part in my broken heart.

This is the time when we are most alone
the dark sky and the cloudy days
this is the time of year when we most need love
this is the time I need you, I need you to love me

Fri vers av deadvictim
Läst 195 gånger
Publicerad 2006-12-07 13:32

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