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Intensivt men i längden helt utan hopp....

The night in my veins

I went out
with the night in my veins
left you sleeping
in the hostel
among all the other
windowless wanderers
fallen prey to the myth
of a life in the sun

A sunchair-you were not
A sunshade-you were not
Burning hot you were
with passion
and bored stiff
with life

You cut me open
in places
I never knew I had
and you kissed me –
all the way down
to the gravesite of my heart

When I awoke
my mouth tasted of salt
and every part
of me that mattered
was covered
by your skin
You came close to me- once
perhaps never again
I will know for sure
when the first rays of sun
rams its golden javelines
into the ground
You are forever preserved
like an imprint;engraved
forming patterns of a secret map
on me

You came
to conquer;
but surrendered
in a sea of passion
and begged me not to hurt you:
-Not again.
and from the cup
of your hand
you gave me water to drink
and your eyes released
the birds of freeedom

You were a gift to me;
a wondrous gift
of insights and revelations
and I will never look upon
a man again
the way I looked at you
the way you held me close
the way you made me scream
until my voice was torn
and ripped
to pieces

That night
everything happened
without ever
without ever
giving up

All the way
and out
and in
and out

my dear
my darling

Fri vers av Lunargirl
Läst 212 gånger
Publicerad 2007-07-17 11:03

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