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Part One of The Clock Trilogy.

The Broken Clock

As I look upon a broken clock I think,
\"Oh! Why can\'t that be?!
Why can\'t a moment be an eternity?!
Why am I doomed to go on?!
Time be still!
Thou movest too fast!
I cannot for the life of me keep up!\"

As I look upon a broken clock I envy it.
It has no future,
A past but no future.
For it, time stands still.
For me it goes on.
Oh! If only a moment could be an eternity
And time stand still and be no more!

As I look upon a broken clock I think,
\"It\'s broken! It is not what it should be!
Broken means it does not work,
It has a problem.
But there is no problem with me:
With me time goes on.
I have a future but yet that clock does not.
Without a future the present has no meaning.
But still... I envy that broken clock!\"


Fri vers av Thomas Perdue
Läst 198 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-19 06:00

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Nice work here Thomas . . . well who
can stop the time? . . .

Welcome to Poeter,se my friend!



A very enjoyable and thought provoking poem. Time is the one thing we can\'t control.
Probably a good thing though, as we seem to be able to make a mess of all the other dimensions. Thank you.

This one actually took my mind to the problems with poetbay. It\'s a wonderful site that could be so very much alive, but without being taken care of it\'s like a disfunctional clock.......

everything has a future in its own way cause even if it\'s broken it has stilled served some purpose while working and therefor created its own little space in the history.....
Great text here, Thomas.Sure got my mind spinning. :)
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Thomas Perdue
Thomas Perdue