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ill-defined dreams

And we were not alone, ever, in this world.
Struggling hard to survive this century. Through misery and violence we tore down our hopes into one little passage of important things. We never complained or searched for answers in our own confused system. And we never stormed those walls. And sometimes weakness was living here so that we all could feel it in our sleep. And yet we dreamed about each other, we were useless people in a fallen world. And in our hands the heavy facts were breathing, despite all of those machines. And so we never heard about you again. And we will leave loaded words behind us, among with that irrational hope. But please, please, please promise not to tell. Our hands came across burning toys which never will wake up to this world again. And since we forgot each others name we do no longer exist. And never will we say those words again. And we abandoned our children to interactive toys. Then we daydreamed endlessly of a life in Candy Land. And we wrote a song about the single mother with four children. Sometimes we lied to a stranger who stole our dreams. The stolen dreams that didn’t have to be stolen at all. We flushed them down the toilet and ran over them like a cat.

Övriga genrer av krackelibrankelfnatt
Läst 246 gånger
Publicerad 2007-11-23 00:41

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