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Sometimes you’re my only friend
The most beautiful angel that heaven sent
I love you so much and I hope you know
When you’re not around I’m always low

I could die happy right next to you
Cause no one makes me happy the way you do
This is your song I always meant to write
I’m sorry it took so many nights

I remember every smile and every tear
I remember the pain you couldn’t almost bear
I remember you’re laughter and your beautiful voice
To live by your side were my only choice

I could die happy right next to you
Cause no one makes me happy the way you do
This is your song I always meant to write
I’m sorry it took so many nights

Fri vers av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 299 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-11 12:22

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten