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as food for gods

as food for gods
my mind with blessings
and soul with hunger
those past lifes, that past dream
i needed it before
in the younger days of time
the hunter to become
to rip and eat to absorb it all
time was a slave and forever burried

as food for gods
we came to a place
a space beyond time and got stuck
in sands of memories and chains of self
we became the ones
the hunted of time
forever trying to escape this loop this dejavu this eternal moment

as gods themselves
our love became all
we no hunter nor hunted
just a eternal strife towards the clouds
a staircase of bones and wish
to step by step bring it closer

as food for me
this world goes old
left behind and free to roam
there are no rules, no laws
nu suggestions at all
when youve heard the voice of time
and felt the call of eternity.

Fri vers av Khyr
Läst 188 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-24 12:18

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