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I fell in hate with you
Oh, ocean. So deep and dreadful.
I fell in, I fell in hate with you.
You asked me to taste, to devour.
So I drank and drank and you tasted
foul and poisonous, laced with oil and waste.
I felt the force, so cold, I felt the force
when you overwhelmed me with the wave.
Graditude you screamed, gravitation I gasped.
Oh, bruise. Bruise. The gloom and the dark.
But you just wait,
I'm going to drain you so badly.
Not a drop of life will be left.
And no rain will come pouring to save you.
Cause I'll protect everything from you.

Fri vers av Tom Tom
Läst 223 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-09-08 10:42

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Tom Tom
Tom Tom