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Darkend mind

The room was dark when she come thru the door.
She flicked the lightswitch but what mett her eyes was horrific.
The room was not hers, it was the room of her split personality.
The walls was covered in bloody cracks and the light was damped.
It was a mess, It was not real! It was in her mind.

She felt a stinging pain in her arms. She could not shake it off.
The pain got umbareble and she looked down. Her arms was now covered with slashes.
The blood gushed out from the wounds. She tried to scream, With all her strength.
But she could not get a single tone out from her throat.

She tried to run but there was no escape. Her strength weakened.
Her mind started to drift away, but she tried with all her will to stay awake.
But it was now to late, her life was over and there was nothing she could do.
It was now to late, she was dead and no one would ever know how or why.

Fri vers av Broken Spirit
Läst 218 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-14 19:09

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Broken Spirit
Broken Spirit