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En låttext jag skrev för några år sedan.

Creatures Of The Night

Now they are here
Now they have returned
Creatures of the night

They´re back from the dead
and their eyes are burning red
They knocking at your door
and there´s no way to hide
It will never be like before
They come from the other side

Demons with wings across the sky
Death is what they will bring
This will be your last goodbye
They will fly with their burning wings
Don´t you know that life´s just a game
and death is just the same

You can see their ugly evil grin
There´s no other way to choose
This is a fight you just can´t win
What ever you do, you will lose
They will rip up your mind
and death is what you will find

Now they are here
Now they have returned
Creatures of the night
They will creep upon you
There´s nothing you can do
Creatures of the night
Ring the judgement bell,
They will turn the world into hell

Fri vers av Johnny Joe
Läst 306 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-20 23:00

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Johnny Joe
Johnny Joe