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A Painful Flashback

I think I've fallen off
The brush against my cheek
Left me hazed and disoriented
The skies just doesn't feel right anymore

I can't seem to reach the ground
I'm levatating two inches over the asfalt
My love is puking blood three feet away
What the fuck has happened here?

The parkbench we were sitting on
Is smashed into a billion tiny pieces
A billion bloody pieces...
Oh my god, love, are you alright?

Somebody, please, call an ambulance
I think she's drifting away
The clouds are moving in orange swirls
Everything is silent

The clock on my wrist has stopped
I tap it with my finger
It moves slightly forward and then turns
And starts to tick in the wrong direction

I look at my love, caughing in reverse
Cleaning the streets from the redness
How did you become so fragile, baby?
Why can't I feel you anymore?

The shattered bench assembles itself
And two dark characters starts to swing
They punch, push, kick and drags her
As everything turnes white

I feel an immense pain in the back of my head
The silence is gone and I can hear her laughter
It's echoing in reverse, we both smile
As our hands are joined togehter in a loving gesture

We hear somebody shouting in the distance
You fucking cunts! You fucking whores!
And before that, it was all butterflies and sunshine
Butteflies in my heart and sunshine in her eyes

I've always known that ignorance could kill
But not like this, not this way

Am I dead?

Fri vers av Dimman
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-26 01:14

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