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Skriven en gång när jag var på fyllan när jag var 22, som nått slags litet försök tilll att skriva en kärleksballad. Ingen text som jag direkt är stolt över, förmodligen full av en massa stavfel och grammatiska fel.

Hold Me If You Want Me To Stay

There´s a world you´ve never seen
But you have been there in my dreams
I´ve been drinking to many beers
I´ve felt the sorrow and I´ve cried out my tears
But I want to just leave it all behind
I know that someone is out there that I need to find

I know that I sometimes say things that I don´t mean to say
but there's a time for everybody and I´m living for that day
I believe that two hearts belong together
and I hope that it will be forever
Girl, I know you're out there, can you hear me say
Somewhere, someday, someway
it will be you and me

I need someone more
than I have ever needed someone before
Somebody, hold me if you wish for me to stay
I need someone more
than I have ever needed someone before
Somebody, hold me if you want me to stay

I want somebody who can make a grey day colourful
I want somebody who can make me find life meaningful

Fri vers av Johnny Joe
Läst 380 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-27 16:11

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Johnny Joe