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Are you that Angel I've been seeking...

The waves are smashing against the rocks.

The seagulls are flying over my head.
I hear the children playing near me.

I lay down on a warm cliff.

The sunshine grazing my cheeks.
The breeze cooling my burning skin.

Shutting my eyes
Thoughts start running.

Racing to a place where the Angels stay
And there you lay…

With your enchanting smile
Your enticing eyes.

You feel my hands touching your breath taking body
My intoxicating breath touching your luscious lips.

You embrace me
We start kissing.

Our hearts are pounding as one.
In sync with those smashing waves.

I’ am asking myself…
Are you that Angel I've been seeking...

Fri vers av zyz
Läst 176 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-08 15:58

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