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To my closest @-->--

Brick in the wall

All of my friends are like bricks,
like bricks in the wall,
built up around me

When things in life,
just seem to cave in

When things come crushing,
out of nowhere,
the wall of bricks that surronds me is there

Although you take a lot of punches,
it strenghtens me to know
that you want to be a part of my wall

And if one of the bricks caves in,
I know that there's more out there
who could replace it

Know that you are loved and I am greatful
that you want to be one of the bricks
in my protecting wall!

Fri vers av Maddepaddan
Läst 166 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-26 21:12

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