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To my husband @->-- 2009.08.10

Anniversary no. 2

Two years have passed
And we are still ment to last

It's an honor to be your wife
and I hope I bring joy to your life

Many years to come
will it be with a daughter or a son?

Well no one of us really knows
but we do know that our love flows

Soon we'll continue on our third year,
together as one, without any fear

I'm not a girl of many skills and fancy expressions
and I don't really know a thing about fashion

But I think that ending this letter with this,
is cool;
Just want to say that I love you;
like a fool!

Fri vers av Maddepaddan
Läst 259 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-07 22:54

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