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8 september 2009, Lite när man känner att allt går åt helvete, men man inte riktigt kan ge upp.

Without him I'm nothing.

You must stop hurting me
and maybe I'm hurting you,
but we can not continue
to do what we do.

Is this love or hate?
I'm not sure anymore.
All I know is that we must
end this so called war.

A war of LOVE,
wich for one man we fight.
I can't give up hope,
need to keep my golden knight.

So take your sword, come on,
I'm standing right here.
'Cause now I can't even sleep
without having him near.

Show me what you got,
I can't lose it all.
If you take one step closer,
I promise you will fall.

I'm putting out my heart
for the world to see.
If he can't chose someone
it's between you and me.

So take it, break it
but you'll find out
that even without a heartbeat
there is no doubt;

I will love him forever,
if so, even more.
He'll always be the one
I (even heartlessly) adore.

Fri vers av Beatrice Sandgren
Läst 220 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-09-10 23:48

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Beatrice Sandgren
Beatrice Sandgren