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31 augusti 2009

Can't pretend that I'm alright.

Right now i wish you never told me,
'cause I can't feel anything but pain.
Even lying next to you
make the tears fall like rain.

I wish I could
pretend that I'm alright
but I really can't..
not after another sleeples night.

My mind is going crazy
"You, thinking of her."
Can't we turn back time,
to what we ones where?

I hate these feelings
they're taking over me.
Maybe we should just
end this misery.

'Cause I know
we can't have it this way.
I'm bearly breathing anymore,
it doesn't mather what you say.

If I can't forget
nor even forgive
then how can we possibly
continue to live.

You need time,
to think think some through.
But keep in mind that I
will always love you.

Fri vers av Beatrice Sandgren
Läst 168 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-09-11 00:07

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Beatrice Sandgren
Beatrice Sandgren