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Min vän och häst Gatinaya är dålig, Och hon blir inte bättre än... Och vad gör man? Behövde få ur mig det (ursäktar dålig stavning)


You are a part of me,
a part of my heart
a part of my soul
We have lived many lifes together,
And this will not be the end,
Me and you are ment to be forever.

You must belive me,
when I say "you are a fighter"
You must belive me,
when I say "I love you, with all my heart.
You must belive me,
when I say "I cant live without you"

I will not give up,
I´m ready for this fight
Please, giv me the light.
And make her healthy.

You deserve that,
You deserve all happiness.

I have no more money,
but I have love.

now it´s upp to you, to take this fight.

Fri vers av jolene
Läst 231 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-11-22 15:38

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