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Lonely brother, thou art I feel

Lonely brother, thou art I feel... Less than able, am I?
What should I then do, to make you, For all and everyone, the other as I do not in anyway feel like the one fooled.
Am I wrong?

In a feeling sentence that I Should, or at least would, be able to feel a happiness overwhelm just by the fact that I'm born free... Am I denied this, or is it just so that I am not really free?
How come, if I would, would it be, would I think that way or in any way at all? Can I really do that?
Can I deny my freedom, on the basis of it's not being? Can I deny everything in an express of gratitude, in silence of the society we live in?
Is it really that easy to do?

I deny my existence, on the basis of humanity.

I am not free.

But still, do I have the right to claim that?

Övriga genrer (Aforism) av Tenshinhan
Läst 268 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-21 00:19

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