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En dikt som beskriver hur jag känner för min sambo.

You are my artist

You are my artist,
you made my heart bigger,
with place with more love than ever,
you made it to lay all love on you.

You are my artist,
you molded my life,
made everything circle around you,
made yourself the centre of my world.

You are my artist,
you wrote the soundtrack of my life,
a very happy and joyful melody,
all about you.

You are my artist,
painting every step of my life,
colouring them with bright happy colours,
making even the toughest times easier.

You are my artist,
and I am your canvas,
I am your masterpiece,
making all your other pieces fade away.

I am your canvas,
happy with absorbing your art,
proud to show it for others,
and loving every brushstroke you make on me.

I am your canvas,
currently annoyed that you don't know what to draw,
making me long for the next stroke,
I want it now, but it'll come later.

Nobody paints like you.

Fri vers av Jimmy Olsson
Läst 354 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-15 11:15

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Jimmy Olsson