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Översättning av Mallorn.

Mallorn, golden trees of Lothlórien

Mallorn, Lothlóriens golden leaves
that shines in blessed spring
with silver and green
sailed with the fair people
from the undying lands
and planted in Arda by Altáriel
golden lady of Noldor

an otherwordly forest
where time floats strangely
feared by many, full of power
home to Galadriel and Celeborn

Beneath their branches
no enemy ventures
but one day it happened
the light steps of hobbits
wandering forth on meadows of elanor,
flowers like sun and stars
the destiny of the world in their hands
and sorrow in heart and mind

In Galadriels mirror present and future
were shown before their eyes
and the heavy burden 'round Frodos neck
almost impossible to bear

Fri vers av Patrik Orion Sten
Läst 147 gånger
Publicerad 2010-12-17 16:28

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Patrik Orion Sten
Patrik Orion Sten