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It starts with some words
Any words will do
They could fall like the rain
or with a rime or two
What the words are about is up to you

It doesn't matter if it's written on paper or screen
even if only YOU know what they mean
there is alaways appreciation to be seen

As long as you keep an open mind the road is clear
To write about things you see or smell or hear
Or of people in your heart that is gone or near

There could be harsh emotions without a streak of joy
like the unrequited love from girl or boy
Full of loss and sadness and horrendous ploy

Or it could be written with warmth and mirth and yen
Of loved ones of family of women and men
Or the elation of memories you make with them

If the words are something you feel in your heart
words that you wish of others to take part
Simple words could make the most beautiful art

The worlds facination with imagination
and appreciation of the writen word
will never cease whether it's read or heard

If music is the food of love, then poetry must be the language of the soul.

Fri vers av Dwixel
Läst 221 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-08 01:09

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