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Betraktelse över ett amerikanskt flyganfall på 1950-talet. Tillägnas Tore Granås och Janne Nordin - båda flygare av gamla stammen.

Lockheed Shooting Star

Where evil deeds and evil minds
enslave the human spirit
where anything but crying seems a
hopeless waste of breath
midst agony a sudden whisper,

and from afar
behold a Lockheed Shooting Star
comes whistling down the ridge

Where wicked souls and wicked tongues
sow envy in the minds of men
where anything but dying seems a
hopeless waste of breath
midst life\'s last sighs a thunder,

and from anear
behold a Lockheed Silver Spear
comes spitting led and fire

Where malice men and malice hearts
lie crushed mongst broken chains
where now a joyful singing seems a
hopeful use of breath
midst growing hope a flash of light,

above us far
behold that Lockheed Shooting Star
is climbing back to heaven

Fri vers av R.M.Z.
Läst 311 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-27 10:52

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