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i know i made mistakes
i know what mistakes i did
but my queston is:
why do i then keep doing the same mistakes?
i wish i could learn
then he might see me again
i would chance for very few people
but he is one of them
i once made some mistakes
and reacently i made them again...
why did i make them again?
cant i learn from the past?
is there something wrong with me?
i think there is....
i know people says:
if he is the one he accept you
all of you...
but no one fully accepts everything
thats one of the reasons we are humans
but still....
i wish i could chance so he would accept me
i wish that everyday
and everyday my wish is ignored...
i try everything
but nothing works
my love to you is pointless
you dont see it
you donst accept it
and you dont want it
how did i come to this?
how did i come to love you
dissapoint you
make you throw me away
make you hate me?
i tried everything
what will work?
you want me to say:
i am so sorry?
i will do it if you want me to
is that what it takes?
that i say sorry

Fri vers (Fri form) av Lost in darknes
Läst 253 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-15 20:23

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Starkt som vanligt! Man känner verkligen kärleken du har för den här personen, trots att han inte verkar vara riktigt bra för dig. Jag håller med dina vänner, men jag vet också att det inte är det lättaste att säga emot kärleken. Den finns där, svår att bli av med...
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Lost in darknes
Lost in darknes