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Born to be outside


A very nice dialogue into question

But even so,

Yes, it is love after all?

Well nobody is expert.

But I can say that after

Writing a forest full of letters

A long spring and summer

You can see then.

How that migratory birds are flying

And leaves when part it in the autumn

 Branches in all colors

 In golden bronze,

The silver

 And then losing in whirlpools.

Then become smaller as trees stripped intro sucked energy state of irritability.


Therefore I say love

 Is a symptom

 And a factor measuring

Neurotic System

Qualities and human character.

Frankly from the first date can recognize the suitable suits poet or lover.



Religions tries to eradicate love

 Making from this a product trade, such sects,


They say if you have kids, you have the right to fuck and kill him.

A five-minute relaxation for primitive peoples but not more education for educated peoples,

 The brain understands sex appeal like food brings in short shirts.

Result has a child, out of everything that can be said love, the child should have the right to know if he/she came to the world from pure love or accidentally.


In the mean time you’re disturbing brain has satisfaction of saturation.

 I cannot understand haw pedophiles say that they love children,

They loves to be with children

Among the children

Six variables,

With others and their children.

 Thus was born adopted children 6-7 years of waiting time on bonus...

I am for the Abolition of the word love.

Mutual affections yes!

Fri vers (Fri form) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 387 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-08 13:26

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP