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A song

In the middle of the coldest winter night

They are just people

trying to live a life

in the middle of life itself

Some fall out
others fall in
into stuff

stuff seemingly
made of stars
and glitter

and then
they wake up
in the middle of the dream

unable to get out
unable to see clear
the window's
dirty and their mind cluttered

Digging ditches
lowering themselves

and deeper

Some falls
like leafs
to the ground
on the most
autumn day

Some rise again
and sees another
chance to get back up
and walk again

Trees so tall
buildings even taller
the air not so fresh
and the alarms so loud

Some pray
for peace
for it to end
some pray for
another chance
some pray

for everything
to be okay

Some stray
off the sidewalk
into the park

They are just people

trying to live a life

in the middle of life itself

Humans with a heart and soul
human beings not seeing
their own self worth
numbing their feelings
with whatever's at hand

In the middle of the coldest
winter night
would you offer
a shoulder
a hand
a smile

some warmth

a cup of coffee

Being human
can be hard
being alive
for some
the biggest task
some too proud
to ask for help

in the middle
of the coldest
winter night

They are just people

trying to live a life

in the middle

- of life itself

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 196 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2013-12-17 02:50

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
You're a winter star.

"You've gotta survive" (Tom Robinson Band)

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Du skriver på ett sätt som kan verka naivt, så "lätt" du tar på stora, djupa saker om människan att läsaren kan tyckas tänka att allt är inte så enkelt som du framför det: men du tar på det djupa med varsamt handtag, och du förstår det djupa, denna dikt säger så mycket om det svåra, på ett så enkelt, varsamt sätt, att man blir förbluffad över din klokhet.
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