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A song.

Carried away by the wings of the butterflies

- I listen to music
it travels through
the night with me

- grounded
floating and flying

My only companion
who's into putting
melodies and sometimes
words on the things we
sometimes struggle to
place - sometimes struggles
to let out - let go off - sometimes
struggles to understand

- my one and only companion
who's always there when I need it the most

- grounded
floating and flying

Those lyrics - that melody - that beat - music's
my best companion - we are inseparable
because it is a part of me - my mind -
my heart and my soul - my biggest love
and my brightest gem - it is the only thing
that keeps me sane - that makes the day
and night feel like a beautiful part of this
life here on earth

It is what kicks off the dirt
makes the bitterness fly away
with the butterflies - makes the
trembling hand calm - it is - my life
my everything - my companion

Let the bitterness fly away
with the butterflies - let it calm
your trembling hand - and keep you sane

Music keeps me grounded
floating and flying all at
the same time
- it makes me feel alive

- grounded
floating and flying

- alive

the biggest love

- of my life

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nina.K
Läst 257 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-18 01:02

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