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why are you vegan?
they ask and i shoot right back why are you not? not missing a single beat
of the hearts that flutter in fear before tossed/hanged/skinned/sliced
for your lack of respect

my body is a temple
they say yet they gorge themselves on corpses but i will not
have the walls within mine painted bloody red with murder my body will not be sustained by torture and dead flesh i will not
let the suffering of the defenseless echo trough my blood and my brain from the black pits of my stomach i will not
support an industry that so blatanlty stomps all over everything and everyone

when your teeth rip open flesh that once was alive
moving breathing feeling
i feel their pain as my own and you may find it offensive though
at the end of the day

it is not about who is right and who is not
it is not about money
it is not even about tradition no culture or survival of the fitest
eat or be eaten

it is
a recognition of my privelidge as human
the active choise of not letting it go to my head I DO NOT MATTER MORE BECAUSE I WALK ON TWO LEGS

if something breathes with lungs if
it can scream and run away from me i will not eat it
i will cradle it in my palms to my chest and apologise

on behalf of my race for the atrocities of which we have made ourselves guilty i will
make amends
truth: the plants and the seeds will cleanse me make me whole
all the blood and gore and intestince polluting me will be replaced by fuel that is kind
to me you everyone and our planet

why are you vegan?
they ask and in return i try pry open eyes that the bliss of ignorance once shut
why are you not?

Fri vers av infantsgame
Läst 275 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2015-04-10 19:44

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hurra för medvetna val och gamla uttrycksfulla texter. vad har du hamnat i för paradis där det inte finns något att förlösa medelst text?

Slagkraftigt! Eftervärlden kommer troligen se tillbaka på vår tid, oförstående inför den barbarism som pysslade med. Klen tröst, iofs.
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